Joshua Zhu

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Joshua近段时间经常提到他班上的一个小女孩,叫Abbey。他说:“She is my best friend”。圣诞放假前,他说“I will miss her”诸如此类。昨天他说他要给Abbey和Evan Brown (班上的另外一个男孩子)每人写一个贺卡。早上他说要重新写一个给Abbey,因为有一个地方写错了,我问他你写得什么,他说,我写的是:“Dear Abbey, I am going to kindergarden next year”。我挺惊讶的,就打开卡一看,Dear 他写的是:DER,名字也写对了,剩下的句子我就认不出了,全是大写字母,落款是JOSHUA,然后还画了礼物盒和树。一个四岁半的孩子还是挺有心的。

早上开车送他上学的路上,我问他:“Abbey是谁啊?”“就是我们班上的,她是一个girl”。“她头发是什么样的?”“长的,是往下的”。“谁的头发是往上的?”我好奇地问。“Boy的头发是往上的,girl的头发是往下的”。“那她的皮肤是什么颜色的?”我继续问道。“是白色的,像Cinderalla的一样白”。过了一会儿,他又说:“你不要告诉Ms Hill和Ms Walker我写的卡,好吗?”(那是他的老师的名字)。“好的”。走到教室门口,我看见Joshua直接跑过去把卡放到了Abbey的cube里,然后才走进教室。(每个小朋友有一个自己的cube,学校所有的通知、孩子的衣服,还有妈妈们准备的生日party邀请卡等等全放到cube里)。我偷偷瞄了一眼那个叫Abbey的小女孩,是个白皮肤的金发小女孩。。。

Monday, January 17, 2011

Praise the God

Joshua was practicing the violin today after dinner, and he played very well today. So I praised him from my heart. Guess what did he say? He said to me:"You should praise the God, because God made me play well!"

Is that amazing? I was really surprised. Bless my boy, my dear son!

Sunday, January 16, 2011



Thursday, January 13, 2011

Joshua in Art Project

今天收到老师发的一张Joshua在学校做Art Project的照片。并说明:

IN ART TODAY: Shapes, lines, and textures
Project objective(s):
- Discuss the concept of small, medium and large
- Use your thumb to carefully outline your shapes or lines
- Use the appropriate amount of paint
- Decide on the material you want to use to decorate your shapes or lines
- Discuss your favorite texture- Use glue with control


Sunday, January 09, 2011

