Joshua Zhu

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Day Care 第一天

7月7号是Joshua上Day Care的第一天,几乎哭了整整一天,中午饭一点没吃,午觉也没睡,只吃了些饼干和水。他上的Day Care是五星级的,我们可以在网上看到他的活动。不看还好,一看心里更难受。当小朋友们吃着厨师叔叔刚刚做好的香喷喷的午饭时,他就坐在那里哀戚戚地哭;当小朋友们在Playground里满地疯跑疯玩的时候,他还是可怜兮兮地站在那儿哭。他第一天几乎就站在门口哭着喊妈妈。老师说他不让人抱,所以只好用语言来试着安慰他,可惜他又听不懂。他会自己开门,所以几次都开门冲了出去,后被老师“抓”了回来。他跟老师说话(全是中文),老师也听不懂。我想一定是说“我要妈妈”!他可能是两岁班上年龄最小的一个,因为还要再过四天他才会进入两岁,没办法,这个位置也是排了好几个月才等到的。昨天下午去接他,他抽抽搭搭地问我:“妈妈你去哪儿了”,“我要吃pizza”。

下面是第一天老师在Daily Sheet上的Comment:

Mr. & Mrs. Zhu,

Just wanted to let you know that Joshua had somewhat of a rough day today. This is not unusual for a first timer in daycare. It was kind of difficult to console him with hugs etc., because he didn't want to be held, so we had to console him with words. He likes to hang out at the front door, and he knows how to open it and he did go out of it a few times, but we were there to get him. As far as lunch, Joshua did not eat anything. We tried to bring him to the table, but he cried and left and we did not want to force him. I think it would be a good idea to schedule a "getting to know your confidence" so we can go over a few things with you pertaining to our classroom. Also, we need the following items for Joshua
1. Family Photo
2. Individual photo of Joshua
3. Diapers
4. Blanket
5. Another set of clothes (including socks).


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