Joshua Zhu

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

读书笔记—The Five Love Languages of Children

这两天在重读这本书,其实这Five Love Languages不仅适用于parenting ,也适用于各种relationship 中。

Five Love Languages (in random order, everyone has different primary order):

1. Physical Touch
2. Words of Affirmation
3. Quality Time
4. Gifts
5. Acts of Service

Everyone has their own preferred Love Languages, we need to discover and speak each other’s primary love languages to show our love and respect.

很久以前做过一个测试,每个人写下来你的preferred love languages,以及对方或者你孩子的你认为他们的primary love languages,然后交换看看是否彼此一致。只有用对了love Languages ,对方/孩子才能感受到,幸福感才能提高。

幸福是什么?快乐是什么?这个话题有点大。想起来给孩子们读过的invisible bucket,这个书写得浅显易懂,每个人每天都有一个invisible bucket,别人看不见,我们需要做的事情就是fill the bucket to make other and ourselves happy . But if you dump other people’s bucket instead, that will make other people unhappy, and you will not be happy either.

How to fill other people’s bucket and how to fill our own bucket?

How to love others and make ourselves happy in positive and encouraging way even though our bucket is dumped?


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